
Showing posts from April, 2021

Virtual Studies

  Virtual Studies, Real Pressure: 7 Stress Management Tips For Online Learners Although the benefits of e-learning are many, this change of night from offline to online reading can affect student learning. Lack of participation leaves student discounts. Schools provide a well-organized, inaccessible place where students are confined to their homes. This disrupts their normal self-esteem, often leaving them exhausted and confused. Research has also shown that students are not helped by the need to complete their assignments without being surrounded by their peers. This is especially true for those under 10, as keeping them engaged often requires individual communication. Another major challenge brought about by the transformation in visual learning is to keep students motivated. Comfort in the home reduces productivity and many of them end up spending many hours in trouble. Teachers also find it difficult to provide individual answers through digital and email platforms that can facilit